Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Compere For A Function

82 days have passed

been a long time since I first noticed Dani on December 8, 2010. But for some strange reason I remember that day like it was yesterday and I have the feeling that every day is again on December 8, I guess is the power of the mind and dreams, but I remember every word cada gesto, cada conversación, cada silencio. Lo recuerdo todo. Podría hacer una perfecta descripción de cómo fue ese día, de cómo ví a Dani por primera vez o lo que pensé de él.
Han pasado muchos días ya de eso, incluso meses, pero no ha habido día en que dejara de pensar en él.
Cuando pasa el tiempo y estoy una temporada sin saber directamente sobre él hace algo; una acción o dice un comentario que hace que vuelva a avivarse la pequeña chispita de luz en la que se había convertido la llama.
El lunes fue un comentario sobre mi nota de matemáticas, el martes fue un comentario sobre la diferencia entre nuestra edad y una pregunta retórica "Eso no sería legar." Thursday was a small comment in a chat conversation when I said "I too would love to speak English and travel" or "sure that the English test will go well, you're too modest."
Today, the spark has become a fan when I saw your comment on my social network status: I have a small piece of the play "The Alchemist, Paulo C." and five minutes had a comment on my statement praising the small fragment and work.
'm starting to think that whatever you do, say what you say or think what they think, everything will stop reminding him.

The lyrics of this song reminds me of all I'm living lately. I highlighted the phrase that I like about the song. TOUCHING DOWN

- A. Sanz
You see my age is so hard to bring ingenuity
mixture of passion, hard to control. You keep
so fantastic and I know
do I have much to learn, but you too. I keep pretending

half-light strip your privacy
your skin and clothing.

know take advantage of the light given off by looking at you.
My room is quiet, warm air
and I think in solitude.
head over heels, madly in love
I do not know what happened to me
but I can only think of you.
Head over heels, madly in love with each other
Everything will be fine, you'll see, I say this because I want to be convinced

your looks are so strong, elegant and studied
I am only a teenager but will come into your mind
stomping, stomping. Sharing

looks with the lights off.
starting to feel myself to feel more secure
stomping, stomping.

this is so nice to dream so violent
the truth, I can not anymore, but I know
and everything collapses
but I'll be here standing up.

your looks are so strong, elegant and studied
I am only a teenager but will come into your mind
stomping, stomping. Sharing

looks with the lights off.
starting to feel myself to feel more secure
stomping, stomping. Sharing

looks with the lights off.
starting to feel myself to feel more secure
stomping, stomping.


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