Sunday, February 13, 2011

Republican Acoustic Poem


I always liked to travel by train and Metro.
Journeys, the faces of sleep, loud music from next door, the newspaper shared the book entertaining.

The trip, in Metro's February 11 was special, no just because I was with my mother, not only because we had the illusion of seeing advertising in one go rather than natural size in the metro Arguelles, but ...

Because we were going to see people healed ... A people, happy, hopeful ...
A Scary people healed, cured of loneliness, impertinent eyes cured, healed ... CANCER.

12 cured, Metro stations and twelve for twelve brave group that has chosen the IMO, Madrid Institute of Oncology, for his campaign, curadosdecancer.

This campaign has led to people like my mother, talk, smile and jump forward with this disease and in these days of February, talk, tell and encourage people to spend by this situation and their families.

12 pictures, 12 people 12consejos ... and everyone who wants to take to live after cancer.

THANKS to all personnel of the IMO Group!


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