Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kates Playground With Jello

A creative afternoon

Yesterday evening I remembered a fabric that Grandma had given me mu I was running for her
and I got to work! I made a dress ^ ^
The real color is the fabric you see in the first picture;) (It is the latest fatal)

I took the cloth and then measures another dress like that, and started to score and then we cut it!

threads started looking like that and it cost me to find one lol and sew!

And this was the result, as I told you I was very wrong! What do you think?
I still have some details to put them neck and well, but I'm not sure that
accept suggestions;)
quite sure which it bears a cinturoncito in waist, and themselves that it is tapping again XD Just what will premiere at Easter so here and I show you the complete look;)


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