Thursday, April 28, 2011

Can You Die From Lewy Disease

I'm back, when can I get to answer comments;)

my brand soft orange shirt or ... I do not know but what to call this color!
I tried combining it with black and gray like me =)
The photos are in the courtyard of my house in Extremadura!

Shirt / Shirt: Bershka
Cardigan: Zara
Belt / Belt: Vintage
Dancers: Local Shop
Bag / Bag: Primark

Can You Shower After Jergens?

write from a cloud.

My life now is an accumulation of things and nerves, since Hillary left here and left Dani have not stopped thinking about what to do. It was a decision that has taken me some time to defend because, until now, had always thought that one day have to step up and fight for that person you want. I dared not do this with Edward, and now that I do not regret, but do not know what degree of regret would be if you let pass the opportunity to Dani. I would not forgive me, and in this case, not get rid of two more words there are stormy, "and if ."
And if it had been the face would have noticed me? What if I had thrown into the pool? What if it had said would have changed anything? And if I had to decide, I have chosen? [...]

A host of questions are starting with these words: And if .
But I decided not to torment me with it, and face. I do not know what chance I have of me I want to respond, try, but I wonder every day what had happened.
If I choose by age, simply for that reason accept its decision (though not share) and I will console myself knowing that he liked as a person, but being born in 95 I played a trick. If I choose because it does not like, accept it, because I know I can not please everyone. I'm not perfect.
guess whatever you do, decide what you decide, I will accept. But at least I know I've done everything that has been in my hand.
I'd like to read: I want to try. I know. But I can not force people, nor could force even if I could. Has to be free. Same as me when I say yes or say no.
I can only hope to take what you choose, and face the decision take. No curl up under my bed sheets over several days. No. I will be strong and fall of the cloud in which I rise since last December. But at least, I would have fallen after seeing a beautiful landscape from the heights, even if you have vertigo sometimes. And nobody took it away. Dreamer

Teenager uploaded to a cloud.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Latest Price Of Adventure Island Delhi

Now or never? New air

promised I would tell you things about Dani on the birthday of my cousin, but now it almost does not matter, because they are small things, we play ping-pong together (and told me that he taught me to play better) and I chose as a couple in the Trivial. This last was very funny, because I think we are a great team of trivial, yes, no kidding, he answered questions of politics and science, while he let me respond to literature, art and geography, to meet together the history . A great team, complemented.
But it is very rare now, because his ex, Hilary, who was here for Easter holidays has gone where he studied, and the day before told Dani that he realized that he would never choose it (if I had to choose). So goodbye and she left crying.
I have not talked to Dani, but my cousin yeah, and the conversation happened to me with what she thought: " Now is the time, A. Dreamer. Now or never. "
Dani has been very badly after Hillary was out that way, because he admitted in conversation with my cousin that he wanted a girl who was at his side, close, that does not stop when she had to go and again when he wanted. He needed a girl at his side. " I have to turn the page, I have to overcome what of Hillary and Alicia " was another of the things that were written by him in conversation. And it is Alicia that things are not good, she barely speaks to him and he blocked or deleted from tuenti when it comes to wins. In addition, Alicia has a boyfriend for three or four months and wants to stay with him, because he said my cousin. " Hillary can not make me happy to be a mile away, but a person you hardly speak and I've locked tuenti, not."
As he told this to my cousin, another conversation, she said Please tell me if I can say. It's now or never.
But I preferred to keep quiet, even for a few days because I know that summer before I have to say, but I do not know if he is ready for another girl into your life when you're having bad for Alicia and Hillary. It would be very selfish.
Anyway, since my cousin saw us playing the trivial together keeps telling me that yes we see a future. That would be a couple superbonita and supplemented because the two would throw away to see me through together. She is very happy that we were both happy at once.
But it's not my cousin who has to decide. He is. And I know it will not do it unless he learns that I like and I know better. And in that, also my cousin agrees.

"Today * I have never seen and again I doubted if I tell or not tell you, if I wait a bit more or less decided, and doubting doubting the doubt has stolen my hand and I lost . Outbreak

Please tell me what would you do in my case, what would you like to do if you were Dani , please, I need it, because I do not know where to turn or what to do. I do not expect someone to tell me, I just need to know how you view the situation objectively.
So I may realize that everything is easier than you think.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Short Speech On Company Anniversary

There once was a worm that was in love with a flower.

was, of course, an impossible love, but the insect did not want to seduce her and make her his partner. He only dreamed of reaching up to her and give her a single kiss.

Every day the worm looked at his beloved. Every night I dreamed that came to her and kissed her.

One day the worm decided he could not continue to dream of the flower and not do anything to fulfill his dream. So I told his friends that would climb the stem to kiss the flower.

Most tried to dissuade him, but the worm crawled to the base of the stem and began climbing. Climbed all morning and all afternoon. but when the sun went down was exhausted.

- night I'll hold of the stem, he thought, and tomorrow will upload.

However, while the worm was sleeping, his body slid down the stem and the morning where I started. Each worm climbing day and every night slipped to the ground. While descending unknowingly still dreaming of his kiss desired.

His friends asked him to give up his dream or dreaming of something else, but he rightly said he could not change what I was dreaming while I slept and that if he resigned cease to be who he was.

Everything went well until one night the worm ... dreamed so hard that dreams were transformed into wings and in the morning woke worm butterfly with his wings, flew to the flower and kissed it.

The worm love, Jorge Bucay

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Free Movies Girdles And Gardles


On Thursday I went to spend the day and a dormir al chalet de Salva para celebrar el cumpleaños de mi prima, pero no fuimos solos, ocho jóvenes estudiantes universitarios, además de Salva, mi prima y yo nos quedamos allí a pasar la noche.
No lo he pasado tan bien en mucho tiempo, porque aunque también estaba Dani (no pasó nada, ya os lo digo) lo pasé muy bien. Me sirvió para darme cuenta de que las apariencias engañan y que una cosa no quita la otra: tenía a los amigos de mi prima como unos frikis, adictos a los ordenadores y las nuevas tecnologías, y en cierto modo, esto último es cierto, pero debo decir que son grandes personas y que se preocupan mucho por mi prima (y por todos los amigos del grupo) y eso es lo que les hace geniales. So here I affirm my theory of "one thing does not remove the other."
I felt good with them, because we were eleven young men living in a house on our own: cooking, living, laughing, playing games, the play station ... Eleven young people were enjoying everything he did, without worrying about the order or disorder (thing that I'm not used) but, without knowing how, he made me feel good and made me learn the things that really matter: no where everything is perfect is the most important, because perfection does not exist. You have to know fun and relax from time to time. And that's what I did for a few hours, but I also recognize that I do not know if I could live forever in a flat with them.
other hand, remains Dani, but that I will tell in another post, because now I go to sleep. Teenager Dreamer

Philosophical about what matters.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Draw Car In Matlab

My cousin says that the solution to forget Dani is to follow the saying "one nail drives out another nail" and although I'm not 100% sure of it, I have no choice if I want to forget him, or at least I know no other possible solution. My cousin goes beyond all this, even encouraged me to set me back at Edward.
Edward ... That far I remember that name. After so long, so many years Cudgel both damage ... I tried to reset it, but it is not the same. I have no desire to go through there, so I can not help him with friendly eyes. Only that. Even I strange if I stop to analyze the facts, it seems incredible how things have changed in the last year or better, how my feelings have changed!
On Saturday I started talking to Edward by a network, and when I was already sending messages to mobile ... The next day, I made several missed ... And since last weekend have not stopped talking by sms. It seems that is responsive, but for once, I feel nothing and I think I do not know if I want to feel.
If Dani is the nail that I have to "get" Edward does not work now as "nail" ... There's a guy in my class that really catches my attention from start of course: is very shy, tall, dark and handsome. It is the first year I'm going with him to school, but has many friends but not usually talk much with people who do not know. The coincidence is that both live in the same area (rare, because most of my classmates live near the school, and I do not live there) and we take the subway almost every day to return to our homes, and even if I've seen in the season and we've never talked greeted more with him. We've even been able to sit in the same wagon without saying anything! A couple of weeks ago I asked a friend if you fell ill or something, and I said no, it was just very shy, but if he does not speak, I speak to him.
on Monday did not come in the subway, both yesterday and today, either. So yesterday I started talking to the network. We talked about twenty minutes and finally told him I had to go and I tuned out. In fact, I had to go anywhere, but if the boy is shy and was of the first times we talked did not want harassed. [...]

I think it's time to think about whether this mysterious shy guy may be the nail that I seek. Teenager Dreamer

in a hardware store.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Price Brazilian Wax Pittsburgh Pa

My sister was in Italy in exchange, was here an Italian and then had to go to my sister! We brought this mask of Venice, we liked a lot!
And what I like with my Venice, a good memory ^ ^

Incidentally I tell you that I return to Extremadura, I'll go tomorrow and spend another week so here I will go lost around I tell you that just put me up! ;)

have a great time and enjoy this Easter.
Mask / Mask: Venice
T / T-shirt: Zara (Old)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Aluminum Paper Boats To Hold Pennies

Venice Mask Black & Grey Denim Dress II

Again, a simple look, black and the denim jacket!
The pictures are of holiday for me lol good night people yesterday: P
And on Wednesday I go again my dear Extremadura, that desire I have;)

Jacket / Jacket: Gift
Portugal Shirt / Shirt: 4X4
Belt / Belt: Vintage

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Want To Be Sasha Gray

That It's Friday, which bieeeeen ^ ^
The penalty on this medium medium, the sun shines when you want: S
That already looking forward to summer, flowers, colorful, ... = )

the moment I come with another gray dress also I have it in pink!
conjoined with black and I love a touch of color chose
this this blue bag I had left around XD jajaja

Enjoy the weekend ;)

Dress / Drs: C & A
Belt / Belt:
Vintage Bag / Bag: Stradivarius (Old)
Shoes / Shoes: Pimkie (Old)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Warhammer 40k Stats On Mephiston

Vintage Pullover

As I counted so this post, I brought along the bag again this long jersey of my grandmother, I told you I would show it and here ^ ^
short sleeve is then you can use even in summer,
evil that has neck very close but very good.
The photos I have taken in a room recently renovated home that my mother
that hit very well with the colors XD

Jersey / Pullover: Vintage
T / Shirt: Local Shop (Old)
Belt / Belt: Vintage
Oxfords: White

To Take Franchise Letter

Ida Hardware ... And back

I know that I blog a few days in abandonadillo, but is that I have not had much time or desire to write ... But I have my excuses!
On Monday, 4 April, I went to Portugal with the exchange scholarship, do you remember that P, a girl from Portugal came to my house in March? Then last week I went home. The trip has been unforgettable. I have no words to describe it. His family is lovely and treated me really well, so I have no more than words of appreciation for them. The only "incident" I had was that my bag came a day after Portugal, but that did not make me embittered the journey, not left I embittered the trip. What we did here was typical of what is usually done in exchange scholarships, go to school with them, spend the day together, visiting museums, sightseeing, going to Porto, to be with their families ... But I liked it so much experience of this project that I have hired (yesterday closed the contract) a trip to Oxford this summer to a host family. Time? TACH, TACH ... A month! I can barely imagine a month away from home in a foreign country without my best friends and my family. The English family, Oxford and I ... Well, me and another fifteen or twenty students in my school but do not go to my class and that most only know hello and "bye" as much. But I do not care.

things have happened. Yes, not very important, but they have occurred: in Portugal Dani's wound healed, so I went psyched to hear from him not long. So when I saw it, really, a friend of my cousin and now. Just that.
But I always promise something is like something I would not forget him, and something happens that makes me think of him or does he show signs of life ... I'll tell you! Teenager Dreamer


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kates Playground With Jello

A creative afternoon

Yesterday evening I remembered a fabric that Grandma had given me mu I was running for her
and I got to work! I made a dress ^ ^
The real color is the fabric you see in the first picture;) (It is the latest fatal)

I took the cloth and then measures another dress like that, and started to score and then we cut it!

threads started looking like that and it cost me to find one lol and sew!

And this was the result, as I told you I was very wrong! What do you think?
I still have some details to put them neck and well, but I'm not sure that
accept suggestions;)
quite sure which it bears a cinturoncito in waist, and themselves that it is tapping again XD Just what will premiere at Easter so here and I show you the complete look;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Can You Take Expired Methocarbamol

Today I show this skirt new stores are all .... Hahahaha
I buy it on Monday Shana, just opening the store in San Sebastiaaaan ^ ^
besotted I get this shirt was in my father's long,
But I did not know how conjunctival I remembered the skirt, and the debut and this was the result;)

Skirt / Skirt: Shana
T / T-shirt:? (Old)
Cardigan: Zara (Old)
Dancers: Local Shop

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How To Trade From Platinum To Soul Silver

Blue Khaki Shirt

That warmth makes us well to last that dureee ^ ^
Finally I show another shirts on sale, is clear and fresh!
sure you have seen the other posts, the same and black, I come later lol
I still have a little big, it was for me to stay wide and took the XL and you see the shoulders: S jajaja
The best combination seemed to black, if you have any idea tell me;)

Shirt / Shirt: H & M
Belt / Belt: Vintage
Shoes / Shoes: Local Shop (Old)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

20-61323 Cartier Watch

"New" vintage bag & Recommendation

'm saturated, I just got to walk and puff that heat jajajajaja
used and so I gave the sun to keep that suit Extremadura XD

will say that I can with vintage handbags, but I love
and every time I get any man I have to teach ^ ^
I tell the story: Being there in Extremadura, was in the upper terrace of my grandmother's house in the sun and I was about to enter the place where my grandfather is a carpenter all his stuff and tools and in a closet and found this XD bag

When I saw my grandmother
"Grandma, I have to pay anything!
"That thing: S
" Look that cute little bag, leave it!
"That you've been recording my stuff? ¬ ¬
"It was not there and I've seen by far .... Hahahaha
"Go walk ...., Take it for you!
graciae abuelitaaa -Ohhh, that guaaaaiiiii XD

And that's how I know lol ^ ^
Y también me quede con un jersey de manga corta rojo muy mono ya os lo enseñare más adelante ;)


Mi recomendación es para   una pagina web donde puedes encontrar ropa, zapatos , bolsos ,… de marca y algunos  con ofertas hasta el 70%!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Was Made To Sniff Her Feet

Oversized Sweater Denim & Browm

This time has given me the sweaters over dresses or long shirts!
The jersey is new for me, try it out this time, but it was actually my grandfather, my parents were ordering some things and among them was this jersey
and I left with a blazer also and a few belts;)
Le tendre very fond of these little things, by the memory of my grandfather.
The scarf it away to my other grandmother had it signed XD hahaha I loved before!

Jersey / Sweater: "? (Old)
Vestido / Dress: Local Shop (Old)
scarf / Scarf: Posts
Boots / Boots: Zara