Friday, December 24, 2010

Breast Size Cup Comparison

who comes home for Christmas?? ADVENT

this afternoon - evening will receive many visits, cards, wait ....
In every part of the world, expect something different and equal to the time.
Even in every part of Spain celebrates tonight and Christmas day, with different characters:

But Who actually comes to your house this Christmas?

At home in the small Daniela Elgoibar, waiting with love ...

The Olentzero or Olentzaro is a character Christmas tradition of Basque .
is a coal mythological day brings gifts Christmas in the homes of Navarra, Guipúzcoa , Vizcaya and Álava .
One of the current functions of Olentzero is very similar to that of the Magi or Father Christmas, children write their letters to Olentzero asking for gifts, give them to their parents, and some of these gifts appear at home Christmas morning.

My little cousins \u200b\u200bVikings Ivar and Elva Swedish candle lit, dreams, tonight, waiting ...

At Tomte (also known as Nisse)
were little gnomes who kept on family farms.
The Tomte, Jultomten, Julnisse and Joulupukki,
Santa differ in many respects.
notable is that they are fat and
but can drive a sled, this does not fly. Do not live in the North Pole, children are told to live in the forest.
My German friends want forward to being parents to talk to their children ...
Belsnickel, a character that is usually associated as a strong figure in some regions is also known for giving gifts. In Germany, for example, children 'that well-behaved 'are sweets and small gifts on December 6, the feast day of St. Nicholas. Naughty children, however, receive a carbon or, in some places, the same Belsnickel visit to give a warning.

I receive one day the Nadal in Catalonia?
Caganet Not only is your Belen, right nen? In homes Catalan ...

Nadal's uncle
Before Christmas given to "eat" every night to a tree, and usually cover with a blanket to keep you cool at night. On Christmas Day or, as the house,
during eve, put the fire uncle.
A trunk which, when burned, was so precious goods
as heat and light, and symbolically offered
present at the house, candy, wafers, nougat.

In the squares and Italian markets ....
Today I fear the witches ...
La Befana is a witch who has become a large part of Christmas celebrations in Italy. The most popular version of history is that it was a woman kind that gave food and shelter to the three Magi on their way to visit the infant Jesus.

But most important is that today, Christians, we remember being born, a baby as small as any other, but gave us something as big as the LOVE that we all like to give at this time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Adult Arcade Glory Hole Orange County

.........( Advent is Latin : Redemptoris adventus , "coming of the Redeemer" ) ? is the first period of the liturgical year Christian, which is a time of preparation for the Savior's birth. Its duration is 21 to 28 days, since it held the four Sunday nearest the feast of Christmas.

Full of hope Isaiah cries:
'Walk in light of the Lord ".
touts Hopefully Juan Bautista:
"Repent, because the kingdom of God comes" .
the hope of all the poor of Israel,
of all the world's poor,
whispers Mary his word of welcome:
"Let me according to your word ".

Rejoice, leap for joy.
Put on your best suit .
Perfumaos with expensive perfumes. Show off!
comes God. Aviva joy, peace and hope.
Prepare the road. Here comes our Savior.
God comes ... and is at the door.
Awake to Life!

begin the Advent and hope is reborn again on the horizon, prepare the ways of God, the ways of the World Youth Day year next.
Splurge, shopping, ahead of Christmas, no family trips .....